No Categories Available in Editor Dropdown

No Categories Available in Editor Dropdown

Symptom: Categories dropdown is empty in Article Editor

You see this warning in the Category dropdown in the Article Editor:


This warning is displayed on the “Settings” tab of the Article Editor:


Solution Steps

If you expect to see categories from your CMS, please try the following:

  1. Double check that your CMS has categories configured in it. If it doesn’t have any, create them (see Wordpress Guide).

  2. If you have categories already setup in your CMS, then you may need to reimport them into BlabberJax.

  3. Navigate to the “Project Settings” screen (shortcut link: Project Settings).

    1. You can find “Project Settings” in the dropdown menu on the top right of the application

  4. This brings you to the Project Settings Wizard. On the first step called “Basic Information,” click “Next.”

  5. On the “Project Info” step make sure the field “Website URL” is the correct URL for your CMS and click “Next.”

  6. On the “Connect To Your CMS” step enter the correct settings for your CMS instance and application password. Click “Next.”

  7. Now, click on “Import Categories.” This step will complete reimporting all of your CMS categories into BlabberJax.

  8. Now, when you return to the article editor, any categories which were imported from your CMS will be available in the “Category” dropdown menu.

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